Our Cuer/Teachers
We feel very fortunate to have Dan and Allison Drumheller as our club cuer/teachers. They come all the way from Fairfield, CA every week to share their knowledge and passion for Cued Ballroom Dancing, and we are very grateful. They are knowledgeable, patient, and passionate about teaching.
Dan has been cuing for more than 40 years and together they have been teaching for over 25 years. They teach phases II-V, and Dan cues phases II-VI. They are members of Roundalab (the Round Dance teachers organization), NCRDTA (the Northern California Round Dance Teachers Association), and ICBDA (the International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association). They chair the Phase III standards committee for Roundalab, as well as organizing the Round Dance activities at the Golden State Roundup festival. The have been featured teachers at the Aloha State Festival in Hawaii, and the Okoboji Spring Fling in Okoboji, IA. They have cued at Roundalab’s annual meeting, as well as many other dances and festivals throughout Northern California.
Dan is retired from the US Air Force, where he served for 30 years. He is currently working for the Dept of Defense at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield. Allison is a homemaker. They have one daughter, Sara, who is attending college.
Dale and Veronica Taylor have recently joined our staff, and we’re very pleased to have them! Veronica got started teaching line and country dance before moving on to coach and choreograph couples’ competition dancers – doing dance workshops at many of the competitions. Dale competed through Arthur Murray for a couple of years before meeting Veronica and teaming up with her to teach beginning, intermediate, and advanced couple classes at a local college. Dale introduced Veronica to cued ballroom on one of their first dates, and it was love at first sight! She was pretty fond of Dale, too… They’ve been dancing and teaching together for more than 15 years. They are members of Roundalab (National Round Dance teachers organization) and NCRDTA (Northern California Round Dance Teachers Association).